Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Discipline has always been around in schools, but in the past there was an emphasis on physical pain. This type of discipline, also known as corporate punishment, is present in 21 U.S states. Students are given a choice between a paddle or detention, and many schools require a parent's consent before they can use a paddle on the student. The school in the video also required training for teachers to use the paddle. I don't think I could or would want to be responsible for punishing a student using physical pain. That is a parent's responsibility, not the teachers. Some other types of discipline are positive, assertive, and classical. Today the most typical type of discipline in using a “time-out” with detention, suspension, or expulsion. One way to use discipline in the classroom is body language, where teachers position themselves or use eye contact to gain students' attention. I feel this is one of the most effective ways to maintain attention and discipline in the classroom.

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